Character Strengths Resources
Expert Guidance for Your Character Strengths Journey

No matter where you are on your strengths journey, we have expert, science-based resources to guide you as you go. From light inspirational emails to in-depth books and videos to customized coaching, find the right tools here and empower yourself and those around you today.
Science-Based Books
This curated library highlights everything character strengths, from essential guides to deeper dive publications focused in specific areas, like Mindfulness & Character Strengths.
See All BooksInspiring Workbooks
This growing selection offers a variety of helpful personal development tools. Workbooks are a great way to learn more actively and track your progress from cover to cover.
See All WorkbooksHelpful Videos
For visual and auditory learners, videos help keep you engaged. Our curated educational video library offers short videos and long, featuring both general strengths topics and specific ideas.
See All VideosEmails for Your Journey
Get a steady stream of character strengths tips, inspiration and science-based how-tos from our experts.
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Customized Webinars and Workshops

Work with Dr. Ryan Niemiec to plan a customized character strengths webinar or workshop for your group or organization.
Personalized Coaching

Experience personal, individual coaching sessions with a VIA expert, who is also a certified coach. They can guide you as you develop strategies to leverage your strengths and take action to reach your life goals.
How do your character strengths work together? How are strengths and positive psychology connected? Can you boost a lesser strength? Get answers to our most commonly asked questions.
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Click on our ACTIVITIES PAGE to find Resources in PDF format.
Understand Your Strengths More Deeply

After you discover your strengths with the free VIA survey, take the next step with our reports. They help you explore every aspect of your strengths constellation in a deeper, richer way so that you can more fully apply your strengths in your everyday life.
See All Reports!