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Use your character strengths to connect with what is important and build a more meaningful life.

Meet an Expert

Dr. Ryan Niemiec

Ryan M. Niemiec, PsyD, is author or co-author of nine books, an award-winning psychologist and a widely traveled international speaker. Ryan is the creator of MBSP and has led hundreds of mindfulness groups over the last two decades. As education director of the global nonprofit, VIA Institute on Character, he's a leading voice in the education, research, and practice of character strengths. He lives with his family, which includes three young and zestful children, near Cincinnati, Ohio.

More articles on Meaning

How To Build Meaning Into Your Life
Try these research-backed tips to create a more meaningful life.
By Dr. Ryan Niemiec
Find Meaning Everyday with These 3 Strengths
Discover the strengths that research links to a more meaningful life.
By Dr. Ryan Niemiec
How to Make Your Life More Meaningful
The 3 ways you can find meaning in your life.
By Dr. Ryan Niemiec
See Your World In a Fresh, New Way (Part 1)
Explore two strengths that can connect you with greater meaning in life.
By Ruth Pearce
Where Do You Look to Find Your Purpose?
Discover which area of life brings you the most meaning.
By Dr. Ryan Niemiec
The Importance of Living a Purpose-Driven Life
11 ways you can connect to something greater than yourself.
By Sarah Greenberg
See Your World in a Fresh, New Way (Part 2)
Learn about 4 more strengths that remind you of the bigger picture in life.
By Ruth Pearce
To Have Your Best Life, Do You Need To Be Your Best You?
Explore the new research on building a meaningful life using your strengths.
By Michael F. Steger, Pninit Russo-Netzer
Why You Should Say These Five "Thank You's" Everyday
Start a new gratitude checklist around building your well-being.
By Dr. Ryan Niemiec
What Does Spirituality Mean To You?
Learn how you can activate this complex character strength.
By Dr. Ryan Niemiec
Strengths Basics
Tried and True Tips to Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being
Learn from others who have applied strengths to improve their well-being.
By Dr. Ryan Niemiec
Impermanence, Grief, Strengths
Even in times of great stress, you still have a choice to bring forth the best parts of yourself.
By Dr. Maria Sirois

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